Boring System Boring System
Boring System

Boring System

For over four decades, Utkarsh Pipes & Fittings has been the number one choice for borewell applications, guaranteeing exceptional performance and reliability. Our high-tensile PVC pipes are engineered specifically for boring systems, ensuring durability under challenging conditions. With our innovative thread lock system, joining two pipes is hassle-free and secure. Additionally, our pipes undergo rigorous OIT testing to meet the highest quality standards, giving our customers the confidence they need in every installation.

  • 44000

    Plant Area

  • 68000

    Production Capacity

  • 5000

    Ready Stock

Hardik Channel Partner
Associates Products

Associated Products

Our comprehensive range of column riser pipes deliver effective, long-lasting solutions in submersible pump installations and water supply systems.



  • Arun Sai

    Arun Sai

    testimonials Quotation
  • I can tell this with confidence that Utkarsh is, by far, the best CPVC and UPVC pipes manufacturer in India. Their product quality is always spot-on, deliveries are prompt, and they offer post-sales service too.

hardik Pipes

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